Do you think
business ?
think the business is an organization that sells goods or services to consumers
or other businesses, for profit. business word of English business, the basic
word that means busy, Äúsibuk, Äù in the context of individual and community,
or society. In a sense, busy activities and jobs that bring fat profit.
capitalist economies, where most businesses are owned by private parties,
business formed to make a profit, and increase the prosperity of their owners.
Owner and operator of a business get rewarded according to the time, effort, or
capital they provide. But not all businesses are pursuing this advantage, such
as business co-operative that aims to improve the welfare of all its members or
government institutions aimed at improving the welfare of the people. Business
model is in contrast with the socialistic system, where big businesses are
mostly owned by the government, the public, or a union.
the business means a state in which a person or group of people busy doing the
work that generates profit. Said, Äúbisnis, Äù itself has three uses, depending
skupnya, AI uses singular word can refer to the business entity, that entity
juridical (legal), technical, and economic aims for profit or gain. Wider use
may refer to a particular market sector, for example, Äúbisnis television., Äù
The most widely refers to all activities undertaken by community providers of
goods and services. Nevertheless, the definition, Äúbisnis, Äù the right is
still a matter of debate to this day.
If you want to
do business like any business ?
would like to do business in the field of culinary like selling prepared foods
made from raw chicken.
How marketing ?
will sell or trade them by choosing strategic places such as the highway that
fast food place I can be seen by the community so that people will know the
chicken fried or grilled products will I sell to consumers.
And the reason ?
reason I want to do business with culinary raw chicken because I was the all
kinds of food lovers cock. From there I see a business opportunity for the
Indonesian people currently fond of eating that type of food ceoat chicken.
Many out there
that sell fast food chicken main raw material but they are not interested in
quality and consumer desires. Well, with a gap like this I see a business
opportunity there so I aspire suata day if I had the capital to open a fast
food restaurant made from raw chicken.